Category: Guide book


Pets – The Hunter’s Best Friend

Alright, since there’s a good Hunter Leveling Guide on the site, I’m going to try to tackle the Hunter’s Best Friend. Table of Contents Talent Trees Pet Families Taming the Savage Beast Training Your Pet Stables Resources Beast Mastery Tenacity […]


Hairbo’s Night Elf Leveling Guide (13-20)

  Introduction Hello, my name is Hairbo. This guide is a continuation of Manovan’s Night Elf Leveling Guide (1-13), and it assumes that you have completed this guide. This guide is designed for Night Elf’s but all races can use […]


WoW Millionaire: Farming in Icecrown/Sholazar

WoW Millionaire is a World of Warcraft gold guide which is designed to people who feel that their knowledge about getting gold isn’t good enough. In WoW Millionaire, I’ll give tips, auction house lessons and other things about WoW economy. […]


Disenchanting for Profit

When someone asks how to make more gold in WoW, there are generally two responses: do dailies and sell gathered mats on the AH. While these are good answers, they require you to take time to actually do dailies or […]


Disenchanting for Profit

When someone asks how to make more gold in WoW, there are generally two responses: do dailies and sell gathered mats on the AH. While these are good answers, they require you to take time to actually do dailies or […]


WoW Millionaire: Supply vs. Demand

WoW Millionaire is a World of Warcraft gold guide which is designed to people who feel that their knowledge about getting gold isn’t good enough. In WoW Millionaire, I’ll give tips, auction house lessons and other things about WoW economy. […]


[Death Knight][Dual Wield] Shinke’s Guide to Death Knight Dual Wield DPS

INTRODUCTION Note: This guide is a revision of Eric’s original Dual Wielding Death Knight DPS Guide. With permission, I have revamped it for 3.2.2, using his original format (which is awesome btw) and my own text. The Death Knight is […]


The Black Knight

The Black Knight quest chain was introduced in patch 3.1 together with The Argent Tournament. Depends on you’re horde or alliance, the quest will lead you to either Westfall or Silverpine Forest. The guide will unlock the known group daily […]


[Death Knight][Blood][Gearing] Cracker’s Blood DPS Pre-Raid Gear Guide (For 3.2.2)

The following is a list of gear that can be attained without even touching a raid. Great for those of you that would like to raid but do not feel your gear is good enough yet, or just for those […]


WoW Millionaire: Undercutting

WoW Millionaire is a World of Warcraft gold guide which is designed to people who feel that their knowledge about getting gold isn’t good enough. In WoW Millionaire, I’ll give tips, auction house lessons and other things about WoW economy. […]


Eric’s Argent Tournament Guide (Alliance)

The Argent Tournement is a world event that was released patch 3.1 were the houses was unfinished. In patch 3.2 (currently) the tournament has started, all the houses were finished and a lot of daily quests were added/removed. The Argent […]


Jame的联盟升级指南 – 灰熊丘陵 (75-77)

升级之路:从灰熊丘陵到祖达克 介绍 这份指南的编写是通过使用优化任务循环来进行最快速的升级。使用这份指南,做任务将会变得极为有效率,你不再会因为不知道怎么安排你任务的顺序跑来跑去而浪费掉好多的时间。仔细按照每一步来进行,你将会看到一个强大的自己。任务的选择和做任务的顺序已被优化过,这样你可以在手中有大量任务的时候用尽可能少的时间跑尽可能少的路来完成尽可能多的任务。你会象战斗机器那样不停的战斗杀怪,同时你还可以在这段时间内完成一大把的任务! 注意: 按照这份指南升级的话你将会获得灰熊丘陵的任务成就:欢迎来到灰熊丘陵。事实上,灰熊丘陵全部的任务都包含在这份指南中,或者至少有被提及到。 我唯一没有提到的只有一个日常任务: [74] 红色火箭鱼雷。有两个原因: 1. 这个任务只有在你的阵营控制着风险湾灯塔时才可以接受。 2. 在没有飞行坐骑的情况下要完成这个任务还是挺麻烦的。我建议在升级时跳过这个任务,等你升到80级并有了飞行坐骑时再回来。 这份指南中提到的所有任务都可以被SOLO掉(除了我特别提到的之外)。当然,你也可以找个人一起或者组队来完成整个的任务,这个无关紧要。 声明: 这份指南并不涉及到专业技能,职业任务或者PVP。它只让你在有一大堆任务时用最短的时间内获取最多的经验同时能体验尽可能多的游戏内容。任何种族/职业组合都可以使用这份指南。任何关于PVP、专业或者职业特殊任务的抱怨我都会视而不见地。   基本的规则     把你的天赋点都用在能最大化输出的天赋上。(例如:牧师应该用暗影天赋,战士使用武器/狂暴天赋,等) 不要把时间浪费在组队做任务上,你可以单人完成这里提到的每个任务,除非我有特别指明的任务。只有在不浪费时间的时候再与别人组队(例如跑到地图的另外一端去告诉一个人某某任务的所在,这个实在太浪费时间) 当你要休息的时候总是把你的角色停在旅馆或者主城。 有用的插件   为了让这份指南发挥最大的作用,你应该使用一个可以显示坐标的插件,因为在指南中我会用它来描述当前所在的位置(X,Y)。当然,你可以用你自己喜欢的插件,这里我推荐一个特简单的。 推荐的 DMiniCoords – 一个简单的用来显示地图坐标的插件。左键单击可以移动位置。 可选择的 下面的我用的其他插件,这个是可选的,但是很多好奇的人们都想知道我在用什么插件: Bartender4 – 非常好的动作条插件 。 X-Perl UnitFrames – 非常漂亮,具有极高自由度的头像插件。 Quartz – 最好的施法条插件,在我看来 。 Scrolling Combat […]


WoW Millionaire Posts

WoW Millionaire is a World of Warcraft gold guide which is designed to people who feel that their knowledge about getting gold isn’t good enough. In WoW Millionaire, I’ll give tips, auction house lessons and other things about WoW economy. […]


Lockpicking Guide

To many rogues, leveling that occasionally important Lockpicking skill, seems like a tedious task. And perhaps it is, but the Lockpicking skill comes in handy at several occasions. Opening locked chests to get relatively good items, or opening doors that […]


Petshop- Make 500g with almost no effort (really!)

Warning! This guide is only for Alliance players. I will try to make a horde guide with other pets to sell. Hi! This is my first guide and I hope you like it. This method is tested by me and […]


Fishing and Cooking 1-450 (Horde and Alliance)

Fishing and Cooking 1 – 450(Horde + Alliance)This guide is designed to level Fishing and Cooking together. I recommend being a high level character (at least 70) when using this guide, but you can use it in stages as you […]


[Hunter] Level 80 Hunter PVP Tips and Tricks

Hello everyone, I’ve decided to write a PVP guide for Hunters because after looking about on the web I’ve found various guides, tips etc that seem to be lacking in specifics, and I hope that this guide will help people […]


Horde Leveling Guide (Sequence from Jame) – Chapter I (21-31) [Russian]

2. часть [31-41] 3. часть [41-51] Метки: ! – взять * – выполнить ? – здать Оргриммар _____________________________________________ ( 21 Уровень ) Степи ! Зиз Физзикс _____________________________________________ Когтистые горы ! Вторжение гоблинов ! Арахнофобия * Арахнофобия ? Арахнофобия ! Ущелье Камнепадов ? Зиз Физзикс ! Супер-дровосек 6000 * Супер-дровосек 6000 * Вторжение гоблинов […]


Gold Making Tips for the Casual Player

This guide is aimed at casual players who split their time between raiding, leveling alts, doing dalies and many of the other things that we do to pass the time. I personally have 3 level 80s with varying professions near […]


[78-80] Eric’s Culling Of Stratholme Walkthrough and Guide

This instance is one of my favorite instances in Wrath of the lich King. Not only of the good drops, fast and easy, but most of all the awesome storyline. It can be a little hard to understand what to […]