WoW-Pro Addon: How to Contribute

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Table of Contents

What is this about?

For a long time now, Jame has been working tirelessly with the Wow-pro community to create some awesome guides. The latest and in my opinion most innovative addition to the site was made earlier in this month (Jan 2009) by Jahwo, who wrote a wonderful addon to support the guides. This is a hugely exciting thing for me, and I’m sure for others at wow-pro, BUT! Stop for a moment and imagine.

Jame has been writting guides for years. There are pages and pages of them, and all of that content has to be added to the addon, line by line, with coordinates. That is a massive job! Hours and hours of work! Wouldn’t it be great if we could thank both Jame and Jahwo for their contributions by taking some of the weight off and doing some of the work?

So yeah, long story short, I am going to write a short guide that will enable people to help plug the existing guides into the addon in an organised and uniform fashion.

Getting Started

First of all, you should install the addon from here. Play around in one of the finished guides and get a rough idea of how the addon is going to work. 1 minute of playing there will tell you more than 10 minutes of my typing here ever would, so go do that.

Using Notepad++ to edit the addon

Notepad++ is a useful tool for editing code. You can create macros so you can more easily enter color codes for the addon (and anything else really). It’s certainly not required to edit the addon, but it is free and some people may find it helpful.

To get Notepad++, click here, it should start the download for you. For more information about the program, check out it’s website.

Once downloaded, install the program. You can now edit files with it – right click one of Jame’s addon’s files. You should see an “Edit with Notepad++” option. Use this to open the file in Notepad++.

Now comes the important part: making macros. To make macros, you “record” them. This means you CANNOT use cut and paste to do this – doing so will make your macro the paste function instead of your desired color code. Here are the steps to making a macro:

  1. To record a macro, either click the little round red button in the top control bar, or use the macro menu and click “Start Recording”.
  2. Anywhere in the guide, type the color code you want to record, and ONLY that code.
  3. Click the little black square on the control bar, or go to Macro –> Stop Recording.
  4. Click the save macro icon (has a little calculator and a disk) or go to Macro –> Save current recorded macro.
  5. A box will pop up. Enter the name you want the macro to have (I use “Quest” for the yellow, and so forth). Choose a way to activate the macro – I suggest against using CTRL since a lot of built in functions use that. I always use ALT and the letter at the beginning of the macro name.
  6. Click “Okay” when you have it set up. Your macro will now appear in the Macro menu and you can use it using the hotkey you set up.

Repeat this for all the color codes, I also use one for the end code |r but you don’t need to. Set it up however works best for you.

If you make a mistake and need to delete a macro for some reason, Got to Settings –> Shortcut Mapper. There should be a tab for macros. Right click the macro to edit or delete it.

Tip: I always found it helpful to record the macro, that it first cuts out the selected text(Ctrl+X), then writes the color code and pastes(Ctrl+V) the text again. Like that you can first write the unformatted text and quickly select->macro format it afterwards.

Create a new Guide

Inside the addon folder, you will find a folder called “Guides”. Inside this folder you will find lots and the actual guides in a .lua file format. Also there is a file called “Guides.xml”, this is the table of contents, where all the guides for the addon have to be registered.

If you want to add a guide section, then do this:

  • Create a new .lua file, with a filename that does describe what your guideis about. For example “JameHordeDragonblight.lua” for Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide in Dragonblight.Now you have to add the following lines into this file:
    example = {
    guide = {
    type = "alliance",
    header = "example"

    The things colored in red should be the same as the filename without the .lua. For example JameHordeDragonblight if it’s Jame’s Dragonblight guide.

    You can choose a guide type, this is colored in blue. There are 4 types: alliance, horde, both and other

    The header,i n green, is the actual name of the guide which will be shown in the addon.

  • Add the guide to the table of contents. Just open the Guides.xml file. Add the following line between the and tags.
    <script file="example.lua"/>

    The filename in red has to be the filename of your guide file.

Create new steps

A step in the guide looks like this:


Between the quotation marks is the place, where you can add the description of the step. There are many ways to format this text, which are described further down.

0.1234 represents the x-coordinate of the step.
0.5678 represents the y-coordinate of the step.

Note: It is important to know that the coordinates are not the ones you usually see in addons. Those are the ones blizzard is actually using, which go from 0 to 1. So all you have to do is divide your standard coordinate by 100 to get the one you can use here.

Example: If you want to add the coordinate (43.22|33.96) with the text “Go here” it would look like this:

{"Go here",0.4322,0.3396},

You have to put those steps between the curly brackets after guide =
I think an example shows it best:

guide = {
	{"Step 1",0.1212,0.3434},
	{"Step 2",0.5656,0.7878},



The formatting of the step texts is done by BB-Code like tags. Those look something like this: [tag]
Some of those tags can be opened and closed. This means everything that comes after the opening-tag will be affected until the closing-tag comes. This will look something like this [tag]Text[/tag]

Note: To generate a new line you have to use the code |n . It is not possible to make new lines by pressing enter!


Colors can generally be created by the tags

[color=RRGGBB]Text[/color] (without spaces)

The color must be given in hexadecimal notation. You can find more information about this here.

There are a few predefined colors, which are inspired by Jame’s Leveling Guides:

  • [q ] [/q ] or [quest] [/quest]
  • [l] [/l] or [location] [/location]
  • [o] [/o] or [objective] [/objective]
  • [i ] [/i ] or
  • [n] [/n] or [npc] [/npc]


You can add little icons into your guides, to give it a more professional and structured look:

[G] – Get Quest
This is a ! to represent an available quest. Use it at the start of steps that pick up new quests.
[T] – Turn in
This is a ? to represent a completed quest ready to turn in. Use it in steps that turn in quests.
[K] – Kill
This is the crossed-swords icon. Use it when you tell people to go and kill stuff.
[M] – Move
This is the little flight icon and is used to tell you to go somewhere, either by foot, mounted or on a flightpoint taxi.
[L] – Loot
This is the little bag icon, and should be used when you ask people to loot stuff.
[U] – Use
This is a little cog. Use it to show that an item has to be used, for example, items that begin a quest, or items that are used on mobs, corpses, weakened mobs etc for certain quests.
[S] – Speak
This is a little speech bubble. Use it whenever you have to talk to an NPC and either [G], [T] or [M] are inappropriate. For example, when you have to listen to an NPC’s “story” for a quest update, or talk to them to initiate some kind of script.
[H] – Hearthstone
This is a little hearthstone. Use it whenever you have to use the hearthstone or when you need to bind somehwere.

Names of flight paths

Eastern Kingdoms

  • Arathi Highlands
    • Hammerfall – Horde
    • Regufe Pointe – Alliance
  • Badlands
    • Kargath – Horde
  • Blasted Lands
    • Nethergarde Keep – Alliance
  • Burning Steppes
    • Flame Crest – Horde
    • Morgan’s Vigil – Alliance
  • Dun Morogh
    • Ironforge – Alliance
  • Duskwood
    • Darkshire – Alliance
  • Eastern Plaguelands
    • Acherus: The Ebon Hold – Both
    • Light’s Hope Chapel – Both
  • Elwynn Forest
    • Stormwind – Alliance
  • Eversong Woods
    • Silvermoon – Horde
  • Ghostlands
    • Tranquillien – Horde
    • Zul’Aman – Both
  • Hillsbrad Foothills
    • Southshore – Alliance
    • Tarren Mill – Horde
  • Hinterlands
    • Aerie Peak – Alliance
    • Revantusk Village – Horde
  • Loch Modan
    • Thelsamar – Alliance
  • Redridge Mountains
    • Lakeshire – Alliance
  • Searing Gorge
    • Thorium Point – Both
  • Silverpine Forest
    • The Sepulcher – Horde
  • Stranglethorn Vale
    • Booty Bay – Both
    • Grom’Gol – Horde
    • Rebel Camp – Alliance
  • Swamp of Sorrows
    • Stonard – Horde
  • Tirisfal Glades
    • Undercity – Horde
  • Western Plaguelands
    • Chillwind Camp – Alliance
  • Westfall
    • Sentinell Hill – Alliance
  • Wetlands
    • Menethil Harbor – Alliance


  • Ashenvale
    • Astranaar – Alliance
    • Forest Song – Alliance
    • Splintertree Post – Horde
    • Zoram’Gar Outpost – Horde
  • Azshara
    • Talrendis Point – Alliance
    • Valormok – Horde
  • Azuremyst Isle
    • The Exodar – Alliance
  • Barrens
    • Camp Taurajo – Horde
    • Crossroads – Horde
    • Ratchet – Both
  • Bloodmyst Isle
    • Blood Watch – Alliance
  • Darkshore
    • Auberdine – Alliance
  • Desolace
    • Nijel’s Point – Alliance
    • Shadowprey Village – Horde
  • Durotar
    • Orgrimmar – Horde
  • Dustwallow Marsh
    • Brackenwall Village – Horde
    • Mudsprocket – Both
    • Theramore – Alliance
  • Felwood
    • Bloodvenom Post – Horde
    • Emerald Sanctuary – Both
    • Talonbranch Glade – Alliance
  • Feralas
    • Camp Mojache – Horde
    • Feathermoon Stronghold – Alliance
    • Thalanaar – Alliance
  • Moonglade
    • Moonglade – Both
  • Mulgore
    • Thunder Bluff – Horde
  • Silithus
    • Cenarion Hold – Both
  • Stonetalon Mountains
    • Stonetalon Peak – Alliance
    • Sun Rock Retreat – Horde
  • Tanaris
    • Gadgetzan – Both
  • Teldrassil
    • Rut’theran Village – Alliance
  • Thousand Needles
    • Freewind Post – Horde
  • Un’Goro Crater
    • Marshal’s Refuge – Both
  • Winterspring
    • Everlook – Both


  • Blade’s Edge Mountains
    • Evergrove – Both
    • Mok’Nathal Village – Horde
    • Sylvanaar – Alliance
    • Thunderlord Stronghold – Horde
    • Toshley’s Station – Alliance
  • Hellfire Peninsula
    • Falcon Watch – Horde
    • Honor Hold – Alliance
    • Shatter Point – Alliance
    • Spinebreaker Post – Horde
    • Temple of Telhamat – Alliance
    • Thrallmar – Horde
    • The Stair of Destiny – Both
  • Nagrand
    • Garadar – Horde
    • Telaar – Alliance
  • Netherstorm
    • Area 52 – Both
    • Cosmowrench – Both
    • The Stormspire – Both
  • Shadowmoon Valley
    • Altar of Sha’tar – Both, Aldor
    • Sanctum of the Stars – Both, Scryer
    • Shadowmoon Village – Horde
    • Wildhammer Strongold – Alliance
  • Terokkar Forest
    • Allerian Stronghold – Alliance
    • Shattrath – Both
    • Stonebreaker Hold – Horde
  • Zangarmarsh
    • Orebor Harborage – Alliance
    • Swamprat Post – Horde
    • Telredor – Alliance
    • Zabra’jin – Horde


  • Borean Tundra
    • Amber Ledge – Both
    • Bor’gorok Outpost – Horde
    • Fizzcrank Airstrip – Alliance
    • Tanuka’le Village – Horde
    • Transitus Shield – Both
    • Unu’pe – Both
    • Valiance Keep – Alliance
    • Warsong Hold – Horde
  • Dalaran
    • Dalaran – Both
  • Dragonblight
    • Agmar’s Hammer – Horde
    • Fordragon Hold – Alliance
    • Kor’kron Vanguard – Horde
    • Moa’ki Harbor – Both
    • Stars’ Rest – Alliance
    • Venomspite – Horde
    • Wintergarde Keep – Alliance
    • Wyrmrest Temple – Both
  • Grizzly Hills
    • Amberpine Lodge – Alliance
    • Camp Oneqwah – Horde
    • Conquest Hold – Horde
    • Westfall Brigade Encampment – Alliance
  • Howling Fjord
    • Apothecary Camp – Horde
    • Camp Winterhoof – Horde
    • Fort Wildervar – Alliance
    • Kamagua – Both
    • New Agamand – Horde
    • Valgarde – Alliance
    • Vengeance Landing – Horde
    • Westguard Keep – Alliance
  • Icecrown
    • The Argent Vanguard – Alliance
  • Sholazar Basin
    • Nesingwary Base Camp – Both
    • River’s Heart – Alliance
  • Zul’Drak
    • Ebon Watch – Both
    • Gundrak – Horde
    • Light’s Breach – Both
    • The Argent Stand – Both
    • Zim’Torga – Both

Prerequisites for steps

A new feature in the addon is prerequisites for certain steps; these steps will be shown only if the prerequisites are met, otherwise the step will be skipped. This is mainly for being able to add class and race-specific quests into the guides, but a feature also exists that allows for checking of a certain level.

The following checks are available:

<checkClass=Class Name>
<checkNotClass=Class Name>
<checkRace=Race Name>
<checkNotRace=Race Name>
  • checkClass is available if the class of the player is Class Name
  • checkNotClass is available if the class of the player is not Class Name
  • checkRace is available if the race of the player is Race Name
  • checkNotRace is available if the race of the player is not Race Name
  • checkLevel is a bit more complex; what it checks for is dependent on the version used, although all versions are available if the player has not reached that level/xp yet. The first version just checks if the player has reached a certain level, the second checks if the player has reached enough experience to be x xp away from reaching the level and finally, the third version checks if the player has got x xp over the change of level. Remember that these lines are triggered if the player hasn’t reached the point of check!
  • checkInn checks if the hearthstone is bound to the inn at Location
  • checkNotInn checks if the hearthstone is not bound to the inn at Location
  • checkFlight checks if the flight path to Location is known
  • checkNotFlight checks if the flight path to Location is not known
  • checkRepair checks if the equipped items need to be repaired
  • checkNotRepair checks if the equipped items do not need to be repaired
  • checkQuest checks if the Quest still needs to be completed, or with the optional Step if that step of the quest still needs to be completed
  • checkRep checks if the reputation of the Faction is at least Value
  • checkNotRep checks if the reputation of the Faction is less than Value
  • checkOnQuest checks if the character is on the quest
  • checkNotOnQuest checks if the character is not on the quest
  • checkSkill checks if the character has the skill (of at least rank)
  • checkNotSkill checks if the character doesn’t have the skill or if it is not at least of rank
  • checkZone checks if the character currently is in the zone Zone
  • checkNotZone checks if the character currently is not in the zone Zone

Auto-complete conditions

The addon allows you to add conditions to every step and when those conditions are fulfilled the addon automatically moves to the next step.
Those conditions are, again, added by tags, but this time they look like this:

<regGet=A Threat Within>

This example registers (reg) a condition, that is fulfilled by the time the user gets (Get) the quest A Threat Within

Currently there are 9 possible conditions:

<regQuest=Quest Name>
<regQuest=Quest Name=x>
<regGet=Quest Name>
<regTurn=Quest Name>
<regLoot=Item Name=x>
<regKill=Mob Name=x>
<regZone=Area Name>
<regZone=Subzone Name>
<regZone=Area Name:Subzone Name>
<regSpeak=NPC Name>
  • regQuest is finished on comleting all objectives of the Quest called “Quest Name
  • regQuest (the second one) is finished on completing the xst objective of the Quest called “Quest Name“. (In the Questlog the first objective is the top one)
  • regGet is finished on getting the Quest called “Quest Name
  • regTurn is finished on turning in the Quest called “Quest Name
  • regCoords is finished on reaching the coordinates given for the step
  • regLoot is finished on looting x Items called “Item Name” (x a is number!)
  • regKill is finished on killing x Mobs called “Mob Name” (x a is number!)
  • regZone is finished on entering the area Area Name, eg. Stormwind City.
  • regZone (the second one) is finished on entering the zone Subzone Name, eg. Brackwell’s Pumpkin Patch.
  • regZone (the third one) is finished on entering the zone Subzone Name in the area Area Name, which can be used to differentiate with The Dead Scar between the one in Eversong Woods and the one in the Ghostlands.
  • regBind is finished on binding at the Location.
  • regXP is finished on reaching level Level.
  • regXP (the second one) is finished on having at most x xp to go to level Level.
  • regXP (the third one) is finsihed on having at least x xp while at least level Level.
  • regFlight is finished on actually opening the flight window when in Location.
  • regRepair is finished on the equipped items being in full repair.
  • regSpeak is finished on speaking with the NPC.
  • regTrain is finished on the training UI window being opened.
  • regFaction is finished when the reputation of Faction is at least x.
  • regSkill is finished when the player has the skill Skill (of at least rank x).

You can add those tags anywhere in the text and you can combine them as much as you want.

Example: We want to go to the next step, after the following objectives:

10 Bears killed
15 Boars killed
8 Meat looted
and Coord (33.44|56.33)

It’s a bit more than you would usually use, but it’s just an example So this would look like this:

{"Kill 10 Bears|nKill 10 Boars|nLoot 8 Meat|nGo to (33.44|56.33) 
<regKill=Bear=10> <regKill=Boar=10> <regLoot=Meat=8> <regCoords>", 0.3344, 0.5633]},

(Remember that you are not allowed to have a newline in your code. I had to do this so it doesn’t kill the page )

Another example, with prerequisites

Say that it’s necessary that the player is at most 850 experience away from level 16 after a certain part of the guide; maybe because you’re far away from a place to train for the most of the time, and now you’re getting close to the trainer and want to make sure the player can train. Let’s suppose you’ve brought the player to a good place for some grinding, as well.

Now you can use code like the following to make sure the player has enough level and experience to be able to follow the guide onward:

{"<checkLevel=16=-850>[K]Grind on the [o]Objective Monsters[/o], until you
are 850 experience points away from reaching level 16.

(Again remember that you are not allowed to have newlines in the code, it’s just necessary on here so that the page won’t be stretched all out of proportions.)

Example of checkRepair, regRepair and regSpeak

{"<checkNotRepair>Sell junk at [n]Jainthess Thelryn[/n].<regSpeak=Jainthess Thelryn>",0.372,0.19},
{"<checkRepair>Repair and sell junk at [n]Jainthess Thelryn[/n].<regRepair>",0.372,0.19},

Note that the order of the two lines is important; if the first line is the one with checkRepair, then both lines will be shown, as the repair check of the second line is triggered when everything is repaired already.

Hosho’s Guide

Revamped with updated info by Gethe

Step 1. Open the .lua file for the guide you wish to add using your favourite text editor. (ie: editplus or notepad for me) I will use the 60-65 horde guide in this example. It will look like this (or similar to this)

example = {

guide = {
	{"Step 1",0.,0.},
	{"Step 2",0.,0.},

type = "alliance", -- type can be "alliance", "horde", "both" or "other"
header = "Example Guide" -- The name of the guide that will be shown in the addon

WP_AdGuide(example) -- Registers the guide in the addon!

Step 2. Before we start converting the guide we need to change every instance of the word “example” with the name of the guide you are working on, as well as putting in the appropriate type for the guide. For this guide we will be using Jame’s Horde 60-65 guide. This is what our guide looks like after the changes(in bold):

JameHorde6065 = {

guide = {
	{"Step 1",0.,0.},
	{"Step 2",0.,0.},

type = "horde", -- type can be "alliance", "horde", "both" or "other"
header = "Jame’s Horde 60-65" -- The name of the guide that will be shown in the addon

WP_AdGuide(JameHorde6065) -- Registers the guide in the addon!

Now save the file using the name you used to replace “example”, in this case that would be JameHorde6065.lua. Also, the double hyphens (–) denote a comment and anything after them, on the same line, have no effect on the add-on and can be safely removed if desired.

Step 3. Open the guide in the usual way in your favorite web browser. Read through until you find the first step.


Go to the Blasted Lands. Go all the way south in the zone until you find the Dark Portal.
Take the quest [61] Through the Dark Portal from Warlord Dar’toon.

Copy this line.

Step 4. Go back to example.lua file. Find where it says “Step 1” and paste the step inside the quotes so that they look like this:

JameHorde6065 = {

guide = {
	{"Go to the Blasted Lands. Go all the way south in the zone until you find the Dark Portal.
Take the quest [61] Through the Dark Portal from Warlord Dar'toon.",0.,0.},
	{"Step 2",0.,0.},

type = "horde",
header = "Jame’s Horde 60-65"


The important thing to note is that the }, at the end of the line is still there, I have just moved it onto it’s own line so that it doesn’t get in the way. The } and the , are both important and must remain.

The line “type = …” controls the icon in the middle of the addon’s arrow button. If your guide is a horde guide, set this to “horde”. If it is an alliance guide, set it to “alliance”. If it can be used by both alliance and horde set it to “both”. If it is none of the above set it to “other”. The “Header = …” line controls the header at the top of the addon frame, and should be changed to whatever is appropriate.

Step 5. Now we have a step, but it isn’t a very good one. The biggest thing it is missing is coordinates, but it is also missing the colour and icon information that will really make the addon look professional. Let’s start simple and add coords. So let’s add coords for Warlord Dar’toon, the guy we want to speak to in Blasted Lands.

Head to wowhead. A quick search there tells us that he is at (58.0,55.9). Divide these numbers by 100 to reach the correct number used by blizzard’s map system. The coordinates become (0.58,0.559). Simple! Let’s add these coords into the code, like this:

JameHorde6065 = {

guide = {
	{"Go to the Blasted Lands. Go all the way south in the zone until you find the Dark Portal.
Take the quest [61] Through the Dark Portal from Warlord Dar'toon.",0.58,0.559},
	{"Step 2",0.,0.},

type = "horde",
header = "Jame’s Horde 60-65" 


BAM! It works. Now let’s jazz it up.

Step 6. These are the colors that are used in the add-on.

Standard Colors

[quest]Quest Name[/quest] will turn things to quest colored text.

[location]Location name[/location] will change the color for places of interest.

[objective]Quest objective[/objective] can be used for mobs you have to kill for a quest.

Item Name Will change the color for items.
Graven’s Note I have found myself using the tag for all clicky items while writing my guide.

[npc]NPC name here[/npc] can be used for NPC’s

[coordinate](0.,0.)[/coordinate] can be used for the display of coordinates

[color=#RRGGBB]text[/color] can be used if you would like to use custom colors

For those that are not familiar with BBCode:

[color=RRGGBB]text goes here[/color]

  • [color=…] tells the addon to change the color of the text.
  • The 6 characters represent normal hex codes for colors, which you can find information about using the internets.
  • The [/color] at the end simply resets the color back to normal.

Step 7. Time to apply what we just learned! Look through the step in your .lua file and pick out any locations, mobs, quests or NPCs and colour them accordingly. What I found in my text was:

  1. Blasted Lands is a location.
  2. [61] Through the Dark Portal is a quest.
  3. Warlord Dar’toon is an NPC.

This gives me..

JameHorde6065 = {

guide = {
	{"Go to the [location]Blasted Lands[/location]. Go all the way south in 
the zone until you find the Dark Portal. Take the quest [quest][61] Through the 
Dark Portal[/quest] from [npc]Warlord Dar'toon[/npc].",0.58,0.559},
	{"Step 2",0.,0.},

type = "horde",
header = "Jame’s Horde 60-65"


Step 8. Icons!

Icons are a wonderful way to add flavor and a professional look to the addon, and are pretty inspired.


Update Tags can now also be used to include the icons, to help keep uniformity.

[G]= Get Quest(AvailableQuestIcon)
This is a ! to represent an available quest. Use it at the start of steps that pick up new quests.

[T]= Turn in Quest {ActiveQuestIcon)
This is a ? to represent a completed quest ready to turn in. Use it in steps that turn in quests.

!K or [K]= Kill (battleMasterGossipIcon)
This is the crossed-swords icon. Use it when you tell people to go and kill stuff.

[L]= Loot (VendorGossipIcon)
This is the little bag icon, and should be used when you ask people to loot stuff.

[M]= Move(TaxiGossipIcon)
This is the little flight icon and is used to tell you to go somewhere, either by foot, mounted or on a flightpoint taxi.

[U]= Use (BinderGossipIcon)
This is a little cog. Use it to show that an item has to be used, for example, items that begin a quest, or items that are used on mobs, corpses, weakened mobs etc for certain quests.

[S]= Speak (GossipGossipIcon)
This is a little speech bubble. Use it whenever you have to talk to an NPC and either !G, !T or !M are inappropriate. For example, when you have to listen to an NPC’s “story” for a quest update, or talk to them to initiate some kind of script.

The icons should be added in a similar way to adding colour (that is, without spaces around them, or any other kind of specialness.) You can treat these in a similar way to how you would treat smileys in BBcode.

So plugging those into our code..

  1. [M] to show that we are MOVING to the Blasted Lands.
  2. [M] to show that we are MOVING to the south of the zone.
  3. [G] to show that we are GETTING a quest.
JameHorde6065 = {

guide = {
{"[M]Go to the [location]Blasted Lands[/location]. [M]Go all the way south in 
the zone until you find the Dark Portal.[G]Take the quest [quest][61] Through the 
Dark Portal[/quest] from [npc]Warlord Dar'toon[/npc].",0.58,0.559},
{"Step 2",0.,0.},

type = "horde",
header = "Jame’s Horde 60-65"



Read over what you’ve done and think about it. Ideally, play through it and make sure it works 100%. Looking over my first step, is that ok? Well, no. Not really. If you think about it, this step is actually two steps. My first step should actually be to tell people go to the Blasted Lands, and not give coordinates for that objective. Otherwise, their arrow will be pointing to (58.0,55.9) in whichever zone that happen to be in, which isn’t where we want them to go! So let’s get people to the Blasted Lands first.

What changes do we have to make? Well, not much really. Just split the step into two and add icons, curly brackets and commas accordingly.

JameHorde6065 = {

guide = {
	{"[M]Go to the [location]Blasted Lands[/location].",0.,0.},
	{"[M]Go all the way south in the zone until you find the Dark Portal. 
[G]Take the quest [quest][61] Through the Dark Portal[/quest] from [npc]Warlord 

type = "horde",
header = "Jame’s Horde 60-65"


Step 10. Getting ready for testing!

Find the Guides.xml file and open it in your favorite text editor. It sould look something like this:

	<script file="O_INDEX_GUIDE.lua"/> <!-- do NOT delete this line! -->
	<script file="mawhuman112.lua"/>
	<script file="JameHordeDragonblight.lua"/>
	<script file="JameHordeGrizzlyHills.lua"/>
	<script file="JameHordeDeathKnight.lua"/>
	<!-- <script file="example.lua"/> -->

Now copy one of the “<script file…>” lines and replace the file name to the name of the guide your converting. This is mine:

	<script file="O_INDEX_GUIDE.lua"/> <!-- do NOT delete this line! -->
	<script file="mawhuman112.lua"/>
	<script file="JameHorde6065.lua"/>
	<script file="JameHordeDragonblight.lua"/>
	<script file="JameHordeGrizzlyHills.lua"/>
	<script file="JameHordeDeathKnight.lua"/>
	<!-- <script file="example.lua"/> -->

Step 11.Step Completion

The steps that we have are fine right now, but it could be better. By adding a qualifier at the end of a step you can allow the add-on to auto advance to the next step.

This is taken from a comment by Jahwo at the WoW-Pro Add-On page.


There are 8 types of those conditions:

– completing a quests’ objectives
– completing one specific quest objective
– getting a quest
– turning a quest in
– looting xx items
– killing xx monsters
– reaching the coordinate
– entering a zone or sub-zone
– binding your hearthstone

the syntax is pretty straightfoward once you’ve seen it, I think:

< regQuest=Quest name> is finished after all objectives for the quest are completed. Use this one instead of regKill, if you want the user to kill xx mobs until a quest is finished.

< regQuest=Quest name=#> This comletes the step when you compete an objective specified by the number.
ex. < regQuest=Quest name=2> will be completed when you complete the second objective.

< regGet=Quest name>

this line registers a get-quest condition. It’s finished if the user get’s the quest with EXACTLY the name after the =.

< regTurn=Quest name> same thing with turn in.

< regLoot=Item name=#> is finsihed after looting the amount after the second equality sign of the item with “Item name”

< regKill=Mob name=#> same thing only with mob names.

< regCoords> is finished if the user is at the coordinates of the step.

< regZone=Zone> This will complete when you enter the specified zone, as seen by the text on you mini-map

< regBind=location> this condition is finished after you set your hearthstone to “location”

Lets see what we can do.

Step one wants us to go to the Blasted Lands so we can set it to advance when we get there.

Step two wants us to pick up a quest so we can set it to advance when we do so.

With that, lets see what we have.

JameHorde6065 = {

guide = {
	{"[M]Go to the [location]Blasted Lands[/location].<regZone=Blasted Lands>",0.,0.},
	{"[M]Go all the way south in the zone until you find the Dark Portal.
[G]Take the quest [quest][61] Through the Dark Portal[/quest] from [npc]Warlord 
Dar'toon[/npc].<regGet=Through the Dark Portal>",0.58,0.559},

type = "horde",
header = "Jame’s Horde 60-65"


There are also four checks that you can use


These tags check if the player has (or has not) the class or race. If this condition is true the step will be shown, else it will be skipped.

Important things to note are:

  • If you want a step to have no coordinates, set the coordinates to “0.,0.”
  • IF you want to take a new line, you can do so using |n at any point in your text.
  • Your syntax is {“STEP TEXT HERE”,0.XX,0.YY}, XX and YY represent coordinates. Note the COMMA at the end.
  • One line of text in the online guide doesn’t mean one step on the addon. Really break it down.
  • Sometimes, the guide tells you to set your hearthstone. MAKE SURE YOU ADD THAT IN THE ADDON. This is for my own personal sanity, as it caught me out on many occasions.

Once you have those basics, you can just about carry on until you get to the end of the guide on the website. Then check it, recheck it, give it to your friends to check, and when it’s done, work out how to get it on here!

Here’s a kinda short example as to how it’s gonna look. Good luck!

JameHorde6065 = {

guide = {
	{"[M]Go to the [location]Blasted Lands[/location].<regZone=Blasted Lands>",0.,0.},
	{"[M]Go all the way south in the zone until you find the Dark Portal.
[G]Take the quest [quest][61] Through the Dark Portal[/quest] from [npc]Warlord 
Dar'toon[/npc].<regGet=Through the Dark Portal>",0.58,0.559},
	{"[M]Zone through the portal.<regCoords>",0.58,0.52},
	{"[T]Turn in [quest][61] Through the Dark Portal[/quest],|n[G]get the 
follow up [quest][61] Arrival in Outland[/quest].
<regGet=Arrival in Outland>",0.874,0.498},
	{"[T][quest][61] Arrival in Outland[/quest],|n[G]get the follow up 
[quest][61] Journey to Thrallmar[/quest].<regGet=Journey to Thrallmar>",0.874,0.482},
	{"[M]Ask the flight master to send you to [location]Thrallmar[/location].",0.,0.},

type = "horde",
header = "Jame’s Horde 60-65"

  • img
    Jan 28, 2009 @ 23:43 pm

    Thanks Those thing happenThanks 🙂 Those thing happen because my keyboard sucks!
    [size=9] and maaaybee because I’m always to lazy to read what I’ve written[/size]

  • img
    Jan 28, 2009 @ 23:29 pm

    I know it’s nothing majorbut I spotted a couple of typos in the [b]Auto-complete[/b] section. It’s in the line “Remember that you [b]ar[/b] not allowed to have a newline in your code. I had to do [b]thisso[/b] it doesn’t kill the page”.

    There should be an “e” in “are” and a space between “this” and “so”.

  • img
    Jan 28, 2009 @ 23:20 pm

    Something I foundWhile trying to add the 60-65 guide last night, I ran across an interesting quirk. I had put the regLoot line in for Nethergarde Bitter to go to the next step when you buy it. However, when walking back through the guide it skips the step if you already have the item in your inventory. It won’t let you go back using the previous function, either. Not sure if it’ll do the same thing if it’s in your bank, but I’ll check it when I get home. For the meantime, on stuff like this I think I’ll skip the auto-complete so you know what you’re supposed to have. If you have any suggestions, such as another check to use, please let me know.

    Also, if you guys want me to work on a different guide because someone’s already doing this one, please let me know and I’ll switch to it. Otherwise, I’ll keep on this one. Once I fiish with the Hellfire Penninsula part, I’ll post it so I can get feedback from the experts. Thanks.

  • img
    Jan 28, 2009 @ 23:13 pm

    Yeah, I’m a moron…Yeah, I figured that out last night. I was misreading and it wasn’t until I was trying to code in the 60-65 levellling guide that I figured it out.

  • img
    Jan 28, 2009 @ 21:56 pm

    TagsThe tags will automatically color the text between them to the appropriate color. If you have a quest, the text between [quest] and [/quest] (or [q] and [/q]) will automatically be colored yellow.

    Unless I misunderstood your question…..


  • img
    Jan 28, 2009 @ 20:11 pm

    <checkZoneHey Rioshin,

    I’m starting to feel bad for constantly asking you for more features, but this one I’ve run into a couple of times; especially because of the class quests:

    checkZone would be an excellent tool to progress class quests during a deviation from the original quest line. I’m not sure how this would unfold while flipping though steps ahead of time, since you’re not yet in the next zone. But still… If used with caution, it might prove useful.

    Just let me know what you think and if it’s easy to do…


  • img
    Jan 28, 2009 @ 8:50 am

    Which colors?Hey, thanks for putting this out there so people like me have a place to start trying to help. My question is you use different colors in the “Colors” section and in “Step 6.”. Specifically for Quest Name, Quest Objective, Item Name and NPC Name? I just wanted to know which to use so I don’t go making something that isn’t in the right format. Thanks.

  • img
    Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:49 am

    I’ve now changed theI’ve now changed the [code][/code] handling to support any uncompleted (steps of) quests, so it no longer requires all to match for a step to be shown.

  • img
    Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:48 am

    Should work nowThis should now work in the latest release.

  • img
    Jan 27, 2009 @ 9:46 am

    regTrain vs. regSkillTrue, that you could use [code][/code] instead of [code][/code] to handle training of new skills and spells.

    I’m going to stick with [code][/code] in my guides mainly because of that extra work and because I want the step to autocomplete even if the character doesn’t have enough money on it to train the skills that time.

  • img
    Jan 26, 2009 @ 9:15 am

    I just discovered twoI just discovered two things:

    1. Steps that have more than 1 [code][/code] tag with be skipped over if you have completed 1 of the quests.

    2. If the last step of your guide contains any “check” tags, it will display whether or not you meet the requirements, as there is no “next step” to jump to. This is easily handled by making the last step say “This is the end of the guide, etc.”

  • img
    Jan 26, 2009 @ 2:31 am

    Another Feature RequestNow that I’ve figured out that the TomTom part works, can I request a feature?

    It now keeps the distance meter at the top when using TomTom, but the distance is frozen. It doesn’t move until you click the banner to go back to WoWPro arrows. Can you activate the distance meter for TomTom?


  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 21:22 pm

    Still not working.I just came across another regCoords step and it didn’t auto complete when using the TomTom arrow. As soon as I click the arrow to switch it back to WoWPro arrows, it processed.

    Can you check on it for me?


    Edit: I had downloaded 6.5.1 and made all the changes but didn’t put it in my Warcraft directory. It’s now there but it won’t let me click on the banner to change to TomTom mode. It only will stay in WoWPro mode. I thought maybe I had screwed something up so I re-downloaded and it’s the same.

    Edit again: It is working, it just keeps the WoWPro arrow up at all times. It does put the TomTom waypoint down….Never mind!!!

  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 19:51 pm

    zonesAww man dude, you’re on a roll!

    For those looking into zones and zone naming, I’ve compiled a list of sub-zones (e.g. The Crossroads) per zone (e.g. The Barrens) and I thought it might be useful for others: [url=]zones.coords[/url].

    Don’t pay attention to the formatting, it’s how my scripts use the data…

    zyzx – Orc Warrior – Wildhammer – Pink n Pwning
    Diskspace – Troll Priest – Wildhammer (guide test char)

  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 19:04 pm

    Yay! Great new stuff. OneYay! Great new stuff. One question though: I’m trying to figure out when would be a better time to use [code][/code] rather than [code][/code]. The only thing I can think of would be ensuring that you actually trained said skill(s) rather than just opened the training window. I can see how this would help make sure you don’t miss a key skill, but it would involve a [b]lot[/b] of extra work to replace [code]regTrain[/code] with [code][regSkill][/code] for each skill available at that level for each class.

  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 18:12 pm

    Still TestingI’m coming to another spot where there’s a regCoords. I’ll get the new version installed and give it a test.

    This mod is SWEET!


  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 17:58 pm the trouble came with one of my first commits – for some reason, the update I ran first didn’t trigger warnings… and I had an old version of WoWPro.lua as a base.

  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 14:27 pm

    checkOnQuestJust … plain … awesome

    zyzx – Orc Warrior – Wildhammer – Pink n Pwning
    Diskspace – Troll Priest – Wildhammer (guide test char)

  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 14:15 pm

    in line 117 🙂

    but it doesn’t really matter, as long it’s working now (again 😉 )

  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 14:07 pm

    It couldn’t haveIt couldn’t have – you had

    [code]if WP_TomTom == true then
    WP_currentX, WP_currentY = 0

    and nowhere in WP_Update, WP_SetArrow etc did you have anything specific for WP_CheckCoordsEvent when TomTom was in use…

  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 11:23 am

    Hmm.. I’m pretty sure thatHmm.. I’m pretty sure that worked when I added it. 🙁
    Well whatever 😀

  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 10:00 am

    checkQuest, checkNotQuest, checkAcceptedSince the original [code]checkQuest[/code] description was wrong – it actually tests (as I’ve updated on this page) if (a step of) a quest is still to be completed – it can be used to test if a quest is accepted and not yet completed.

    I’m adding [code]checkOnQuest[/code] (renaming of [code]checkAccepted[/code] to check if a quest is in the quest log at all and [code]checkNotOnQuest[/code] to check if a certain quest is not in the quest log.

    I’ll update in these later today, and release version of the addon. 🙂

  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 9:55 am

    Nicely SpottedThanks for spotting that bug, James.

    I’m guessing it slipped Jahwo’s mind when he did the TomTom support to test the regCoords event, but it should be fixed now in version

  • img
    Jan 25, 2009 @ 6:52 am

    Possible Error?I was testing some of Dragonblight tonight and had it set using TomTom instead of the WoW-Pro arrows. When I made it to a regCoords section, it did not auto-complete. As soon as I clicked the banner to WoW-Pro arrows, it stepped forward. Is it checking for regCoords when using TomTom arrows?


  • img
    Jan 23, 2009 @ 12:21 pm

    Good show Rioshin, I really appreciate your work on the AddOn. You really stepped right in the line of Jasho to make this AddOn top knotch!

    just wanted to say that…

    Anyhow, I checked the code …

    [quote][code][/code] checks if the Quest is complete, or with the optional Step if that step of the quest is complete[/quote]

    … and I don’t think it should be all too difficult to have a few more checks on quests, as in:

    * [code][/code] If you are actually on a quest (because of class, race or different previous guide)
    * [code][/code] If you have not (yet) completed (a step of) a quest. E.g. when it is done over an extended part of the guide at a nice spot to finish it just before turning it in.

    I think this might be helpful sometimes. Don’t worry about it, just if you just happen to have some spare time 🙂


  • img
    Jan 23, 2009 @ 10:30 am

    Found the bugArgh!

    I managed to find a bug in the regLoot code; one that I’d introduced when testing stuff out and forgot to revert it back to normal.

    Check out the latest version (, which should now fix the problem.

  • img
    Jan 23, 2009 @ 2:09 am

    Yep, it was with 6.3 andYep, it was with 6.3 and there were no other step conditions. It’s easily replaceable with regQuest [b]except[/b] in the case that you want to complete a step after you loot an item that begins a quest. That just means you have to add the “right-click item to get quest” to your step in order to successfully auto-complete.

  • img
    Jan 22, 2009 @ 11:57 am

    regLootDid you have the latest version ( of the addon?

    Did your step have any other reg conditions in it? fixed a nasty bug with multiple reg conditions in the same line, of the type

    (For quest items, it is recommended not to use regLoot; instead use the full form of regQuest, eg regQuest=Quest=1)

  • img
    Jan 22, 2009 @ 8:40 am

    Just discovered in testingJust discovered in testing that regLoot doesn’t seem to be working properly. If it is the only trigger in a step, it is considered “complete” immediately upon looting. This happened to me, didn’t loot the item given in “item name”. X for me = 1 (a quest item). Step auto-completed after looting the first mob (who couldn’t even drop the quest item!).

  • img
    Jan 21, 2009 @ 13:10 pm

    ThanksThanks for the flight path info – but I had already managed to dig them up myself, too, just before heading off to work. 🙂

  • img
    Jan 21, 2009 @ 7:47 am

    Flight Path listHey,

    I just leached and compiled a list of Flight Paths for ya.


    It might not be complete and sometimes I had to assume 2 points were mutually connected (but then I didn’t have the destination’s Faction, so it is set to Unknown)

    Hope it helps!

  • img
    Jan 19, 2009 @ 22:23 pm

    checkFlight, checkNotFlight…The four checks you suggested are now in the source code up at the svn repository – still untested, though, but you may want to check out a copy and test, at [url=]googlecode[/url].

    As for registering the flight path as available when you right-click the flight master for the first time (ie when the game displays the “New flight path discovered!” message) I did succeed finding the correct event for the message, but the flight path hasn’t registered into the system yet as the event is fired; thus, it still requires the second right-click to actually open the flight path display (or to get the error of no connecting paths) to register the path.

    However, these changes led to a change in the naming scheme of flight paths – to be able to test for one, you have to know its’ official name. This led to me changing the way I checked for finding the correct one, where I earlier did the easy way and just checked the subzone the character was in using GetMinimapZoneName; now I actually loop through discovered flight paths and compare against the name of the one which type is at that moment “CURRENT”.

    Maybe somebody should type into the HowTo on contributing a list of all possible flight paths? 🙂

  • img
    Jan 19, 2009 @ 20:13 pm

    regFlight[quote=zyzx]Wouldn’t it be better if regFlight is completed on learning a new FP?[/quote]

    Yes, it definitely would – however, I’m not sure how to find out when you actually learn the FP, as I haven’t been able to find a suitable event for it, and it doesn’t mention it in the chat frame, either (when I could reuse that event).

    [quote=zyzx]Speaking of check, two suggestions:
    * checkFlight Step is shown when a FP is available
    * checkNotFlight Step is shown when a FP is not known

    * checkInn=Loc Step is shown when the Hearthstone is set to Loc
    * checkNotInn=Loc Step is shown when the Hearthstone is not set to Loc[/quote]

    The two first I’m not sure of how to add, but I think I saw a suitable function in the API for the checkInn versions – I’ll go ahead and add them to svn right away (once I’ve dug out what the name of the function was again).

    Thanks for the comments, and I’ll be looking at these regFlight and checkFlight things again 🙂

    (Currently, say you’re at Sentinel Hill and the guide says to fly to Stormwind; this is how it should be done:

    [code]{“Get the flight point from [n]Flightmaster Name[/n].
    {“Fly to [l]Stormwind City[/l].“,0.,0.},[/code]

    , which (I believe) is pretty much what you said originally. If I can find a way to add checkFlight and checkNotFlight – I believe only the [i]not[/i] condition is actually necessary – it would look as follows:

    [code]{“Get the flight point from
    [n]Flightmaster Name[/n].“,0.,0.},
    {“Fly to [l]…[/code]

  • img
    Jan 19, 2009 @ 15:47 pm

    regFlight[quote][code]regFlight[/code] is finished on actually opening the flight window when in Location (the location name is the same one as is shown in the minimap).[/quote]

    Wouldn’t it be better if [code]regFlight[/code] is completed on learning a new FP?

    1) I use [code]regZone[/code] for finishing a FP (Actually landing).
    2) Talking to the Wind Rider Master makes you lose the destination name in the guide
    3) Not everyone may already have the FP (in which case [code][/code]) would be handy.

    Speaking of [code]<check[/code], two suggestions:
    * [code]checkFlight[/code] Step is shown when a FP is available.
    * [code]checkNotFlight[/code] Step is shown when a FP is not known.

    * [code]checkInn=Loc[/code] Step is shown when the Heartstone is set to Loc.
    * [code]checkNotInn=Loc[/code] Step is shown when the Heartstone is not set to Loc.

    Great AddOn! I'm testing the Barrens guide atm (just found Mankrin's wife! w00t)

    and I've started writing the H_James2131.lua file with some tools I've developed along the way, just to push the system.

  • img
    Jan 15, 2009 @ 16:00 pm

    Ah damned. No that was forAh damned. No that was for debugging issues and it seems like I forgot to remove it =/

  • img
    Jan 15, 2009 @ 7:03 am

    With the latest version,With the latest version, quest names in any regGet event now show up in your chat log. Is this intended?

  • img
    Jan 14, 2009 @ 16:36 pm

    Feature Request?I don’t think a TomTom waypoint is necessary for every step.

    I know that when you mouse over your alliance/horde banner in the corner of the mod it puts the coordinates in the tooltip. Can you make the mod put a TomTom waypoint (if TomTom is installed) on the map when you click the banner?

    I know when I’m going through the guide and coordinates are listed, I almost automatically do a “/way x y” and bring up my map to see where I’m headed and what potential obstacles are in my way.

    Just a thought…


  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 23:43 pm

    Perfect!!!!I stepped through all of the steps that I have so far and it works FLAWLESSLY!!!!

    Nice job Jahwo!

    I’m using my newfound Notepad++ skills to fix some omissions from earlier steps now….LOL


  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 20:37 pm

    Ok thanks man I’ll keepOk thanks man I’ll keep working on it and see how it turns out!

  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 19:45 pm

    I’m gonna hire someone toI’m gonna hire someone to burn your school to the ground then!

  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 19:34 pm

    LOLOK, that would make her the WOO-MAN!!! 😉


  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 19:31 pm

    Lol, not quite sure what toLol, not quite sure what to say to that Jame 😛

    But thanks for the credit Jahwo 🙂 Sorry I’ve been less than active in the last week, getting back into school.

  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 19:18 pm

    Nah, Jiyambi is so cool sheNah, Jiyambi is so cool she could probably pull it off! Err.. 😛

  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 17:43 pm

    Heh, thanks But I have toHeh, thanks 😀 But I have to pass the praise down to Jiyambi who wrote the notes about Notepad++, but the MAN thing would be problematic in her case 😉

  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 17:38 pm


    I was stuck on hold on the phone and stopped by. I saw your info on Notepad++ and did some looking. I played around for a little bit and then had to finish the phone call. After I got off the phone I set up a couple of macros like you described….That is going to speed things up a TON!!!

    Jahwo, I hope you’re male, ’cause you’re the MAN!!!! 😀


  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 17:07 pm

    Phew… Fixed it now. Such aPhew… Fixed it now. Such a stupid mistake but I wasn’t able to see it. But now it works, at least I hope so 😀

  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 15:57 pm

    I’ll start working on thatI’ll start working on that right now, I’m sorry that it takes a bit longer to fix such things now, but holidays are over in germany 😉

  • img
    Jan 13, 2009 @ 6:20 am

    FixJahwo is aware of the problem and will be working on the mod to have it going ASAP.


  • img
    Jan 12, 2009 @ 23:57 pm

    ThanksThanks for all your hard work. I’ll do my best not to break anything from here on out. 🙂


  • img
    Jan 12, 2009 @ 23:46 pm

    I think I found the problemI think I found the problem and I’m going to try to fix it tomorrow.

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