This guide will feature the Wyrmrest Accord. It will include but not be limited to the rewards and reputation gains related to it. The goal is to keep it short, sweet, and informative. Any suggestions and feedback in the form of comments is welcome! I will read all comments and give replies where necessary.
Completing a vast majority of quests contributing reputation to the Wyrmrest Accord can be achieved following Jame’s Leveling Guides for Borean Tundra and Dragonblight. I suggest you have them completed before you proceed any further, as they will easily get you at an honored status.
However, there are still 3 daily quests that may interest you. The following list will describe where they are, how to do them, and their prequisites. Each daily will earn you 250 reputation towards your favorite dragon squad.
- Drake Hunt – This quest is given by Raelorasz, which is located in Coldarra in Borean Tundra. Once getting the quest, travel over to the northwest part of the island and use the macro “/tar nexus drake” to easily target a drake. Once you have one in your sights, use your spear and bring him back in to the questgiver.
- Defending Wyrmrest Temple – There is a 16 part quest chain as a prequisite, starting with A Strange Device and ending with this daily. This quest is given by Lord Afrasastrasz at the Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight. Once you have the quest, go outside and hop onto a dragon. Go over to the blue swirly thingy at 55.5, 66 while killing blue dragons on the way. (Not that hard to kill them… at least compared to the next daily quest!) Travel down to the base of the thing and use your destabilize (#5) ability. Finish killing your remaining dragons and go back to the questgiver. If you finish within 2 minutes of accepting the quest, you get the achievement Rapid Defense! Here’s a video of it being done.
- Aces High! – This quest is given by Corastrasza, who is up on one of the floating islands by the Nexus in Coldarra. You must be at least level 80 to accept this quest. There is a prequisite, but it’s at the same questgiver and the objective is identical. Once you got the quest, talk to Corastrasza again to ask for a dragon to ride upon. Once you get on the dragon, fly up to the top of the Nexus and find a blue dragon to slay. Use this rotation to kill those suckers: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 3. (These are the default ability keybinds) Repeat until done, then turn in.
Finally, there’s the most effective way of obtaining rep, and that’s running heroics with a tabard on.
Note: ๐ = Good pre-Naxx gear.
- Tabard of the Wyrmrest Accord – wear this when running heroics to get reputation with ’em at a fabulous rate.
- Arcanum of the Eclipsed Moon – just a stamina and arcane resist bonus. Odds are, there will be something better for your class for a head slot.
- Bracers of Accorded Courtesy – a pleasant upgrade for Holy Paladins.
- Cloak of Peaceful Resolutions – a tanking cloak!
- Fang of Truth – good for hunters and rogues.
- Sash of the Wizened Wyrm – generic caster piece.
- Ancestral Sinew Wristguards – generic caster piece.
- Arcanum of Blissful Mending – going along with its name, it must be a healing head enchant!
- ๐ Breastplate of the Solemn Council – best pre-Naxx tanking piece.
- ๐ Gavel of the Brewing Storm – best pre-Naxx healing main hand.
- ๐ Sabatons of Draconic Vigor – great pre-Naxx tanking boots.
- Pattern: Mysterious Bag – a tailoring pattern for a hefty sized enchanting bag.
- ๐ Dragonfriend Bracers – best pre-Naxx bracer for combat rogues and DPS warriors.
- ๐ Sandals of Crimson Fury – best pre-Naxx caster DPS boots!
- Legplates of Bloody Reprisal – decent pre-Naxx gear, but better for PvP. If it’s Naxx gear you’re looking for, try a Heroic UK for some Staggering Legplates instead. (thanks wraithstorm)
- Reins of the Red Drake – OoOOOoh, a big red dragon mount! Depends on your tastes, but if you got this far, might as well use it! However, I have heard that some of its features are a bit glitchy compared to other drakes, but that might be outdated info.
- Design: Glimmering Monarch Topaz – a great tanking gem.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks to WoWWiki for the title image… which I cropped and edited a little bit. ๐