Of course, with a new class, new abilities and spells will be introduced.
Some people already have tested the Death Knight in WoTLK beta.
And of course, with new abilities and spells, new macros will become available.
This guide will be about Death Knight Macros.

#showtooltip Chains of Ice
/cast Chains of Ice
/cast Death Grip
Try to press it twice in a row really quickly. It will make the target fly up into the air at a very slow rate (depending on movement speed of the mob), and eventually fall down at a very slow rate. The target can be attacked while in the air, and it serves as a great crowd control, and it only uses one Frost rune. It is more effective the further away you are from your target. Can be used constantly (or near constant) with the Unholy Command talent. Can be used on most mobs.
Runner Stopper
#showtooltip Death Grip
/cast Death Grip
/cast Chains of Ice
Casts Death Grip. If Death Grip is on cooldown, Chains of Ice is casted instead. This allows for you to either pull, or stop an enemy from running away with the use of one button.
Ghoul Death Coil on Alt
#showtooltip Death Coil
/cast [nomodifier] Death Coil; [modifier:alt,target=pet] Death Coil
Casts a standard Death Coil with no modifier pressed down. With the ”Alt” key held down, uses Death Coil on your pet rather than your target for healing instead of damage.
Rune Strike Macros
#showtooltip Blood Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Blood Strike
#showtooltip Heart Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Heart Strike
#showtooltip Scourge Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Scourge Strike
#showtooltip Icy Touch
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Icy Touch
#showtooltip Plague Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Plague Strike
#showtooltip Death Strike
/cast Rune Strike
/cast Death Strike
#showtooltip “Rune Ability”
/script UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent(“UI_ERROR_MESSAGE”)
/cast “Rune Ability”
”Rune Ability” can be replaced by any ability you would like to use.
With this, you won’t get the error message when you spam the macro.
I will add more macros later on, of course! 😉
Please, leave a comment if:
You have any additional information that I should add to this guide.
You have any suggestions about the Text Formatting.
You want to leave a comment about how it worked out.
Feel free to post macros, I am open for suggestions, hehe 😉
Awesome, glad this stuff I made 15+ years ago still help haha
2022 and macro’s stil working !! thx
Minor updates neededSome of the macros here are probably out of date, but the guide is still useful overall. If someone would like to update it, please leave a comment.
I copied your rotation macroI copied your rotation macro but it only uses icy touch, what gives
RE:Rune Strikeyou dont have to unregister and reregister the error events,save letters and use…
#showtooltip “ABILITY”
/cast !Rune Strike
/cast “ABILTY”
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
Hope it Helped 🙂
Well….Well actually I made the macro late at night so I didn’t think of doing that… 🙁 but yeah that’s what I’m doing now.
I don’t really think thatI don’t really think that can be done.
Might I ask why you don’t just make bone shield a separate button and use it as the opener, then use the macro> doesn’t seem to difficult.
Dps Rotation MacroBecause I’m lazy I made this macro for questing.
/castsequence reset=10/combat icy touch, plague strike, scourge strike, blood strike, blood strike, death coil, death coil
My dk is only level 66 so this is a lower level dps rotation useful when your only fighting one or two mobs. however I was wondering if someone could help me make another macro essentially the same thing except casts bone shield first and then as its going through the rotation doesn’t cast bone shield when the rotation resets.I tried some things but I’m actually new to macros so I pretty much had no idea what I was doing.
Rune StrikeRune Strike is a toggle/on off thing, so surely it would be better to have a ! at the front of it:
#showtooltip “Rune Ability”
/script UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent(“UI_ERROR_MESSAGE”)
/cast !Rune Strike
/script UIErrorsFrame:RegisterEvent(“UI_ERROR_MESSAGE”)
/cast “Rune Ability”
Otherwise you’ll keep turning it on or off, rather than setting it and keeping it set for the next melee strike.
pvp arena macro ?Have anyone a good one button addon for use in arena ? My specc is 0 -21-50 pvp spec.